Monday, June 11, 2012

Trout Heart Replica.

This song has been swimming around my head for weeks. It's inspired me to try going vegan again after exams...or at least, guilt has convinced me to do it. 

For those who didn't back Amanda Palmer's Kickstarter, it's going to be on her next album Theatre is Evil. It's being released in September and you should DEFINITELY check it out.

I drew this while attempting to bash maths into my brain. The idea was fish trapped and swimming to infinity. I kind of like the idea...imagine if someone with some actual artisic ability drew it?! 

I would love to learn print making and do this properly. Maybe one day...  


So yeah. It's pretty fucking great.


I got a tumblr today pretty much solely to follow this: 

Sketchbook Story Time. 

...and to post more pictures of my cat on the internet. The internet needs more cats I tell you!

Sad...but beautiful. My favourite post is Jerk Teddybear

I'm not sold on the idea of tumblr, mainly because I've only seen it being used by my sisters to reblog thinspiration photos and other ridiculous any other recommendations would be welcome. I'm going to have a lot of time to myself in two weeks and what better way to use it then find cool shit on the internet...right?

This is mine! 

Salty Stockings.

I called it that because I like alliterations and swimming with stockings on. If you'd never tried it, you must. It changes your life. Plus, it sounds hip enough, right? I'm going to fit in really well.

I don't know how it works really yet...I'll figure it out after these godawful exams and inevitably become addicted to it as I am with all other social networking sites. Such is life.


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