Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I vomited and out came my cold, stone heart.

Okay, so I promised a blog about Bon Iver and the general stupidity of people. I was going to because I was irritated by how happy people are to not know about Justin Vernon but quite happily hate all over him anyway. Ugh.

But not today.

Something much more aggravating happened between the time I posted my promise and now.

Something I knew was coming.

We shall not speak the name of the day and I’m sure it is as horrifying and poignant a time in many peoples’ lives.

For now we shall call it... Viagra Day.

If you took part in this ridiculous ritual yesterday then let me try to enlighten you a little. Viagra Day is for couples to show off to other couples how much better their couple is than anyone else’s couple and to attempt to prove to singularities out there that they are alone in this world. You have been alone, you are alone and you will be alone.


As one of these said singularities I would like to clarify: I am not bitter about not having a boyfriend. Not now. They are too much effort and I’m far too busy with uni and blogging about useless things.  I am also insanely happy for some couples. The couples that I dislike are the ones that are constantly complaining about their boyfriend or almost breaking up with him...or simply not all that in love with them on a normal day...Then when Viagra Day comes along it’s an explosion of hearts and kisses on their Facebook wall and instagrams of fucking roses and teddybears with names and chocolates posted up over every networking site that ever existed with statuses like:

“3 valentines on...and I am still getting surprise roses delivered to lunch.. You are truly the most romantic boyfi in the whole world hunny”
Followed swiftly by:
“What can I say, I love making you happy:-)”
what. the fucking. shit.

 I’m sure they’ve pelted themselves into your eyes too. Yes. Flowers on Viagra Day would be very surprising. Nobody else would have received anything like it. Well done you.  I can see how it was important to share with all of us who don’t actually give the slightest shit.

Yes, it’s annoying that people are so ready and willing to use their relationship to score some extra cyber attention and possible jealousy but that’s not really the main point I have an issue with. It’s the absurd idea that love should be more celebrated for one day of the year. I may be a romantic but...shouldn’t we show how much we love someone as much as possible? Being provoked into spontaneity isn’t being passionate. Buying shit because it’s what you’re “meant to do” doesn’t mean you care.  Posting about how much you love someone because everyone else is isn’t love.  

It’s like for one day a year couples of the world unite and decide they’re all starring in their own romantic comedies coming out on Febuary 14th. Everyone wants that highest grossing film and they’re willing to sellout in whatever way necessary.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m all for love but for one day you’re meant to love someone more than you usually love them? Or at least, show them that you love them more? Love in my mind is not a variable quantity. You can realise you didn’t really love someone or you can love someone for different reasons and it therefore feel different...but it’s not something that should be thrown about as much as it is on this absurd Hallmark Day. Surely by exaggerating something as personal and pure as real love (if it exists in this context at all) for this one assigned day you are devaluing it? Not only for yourself, but for people that may actually be properly and wholly in love whose actual lives are being made a mockery by the dim-witted consumerist hordes.  

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is...if you love someone then that is wonderful. Just love them the same all the time. Make it real. Viagra is only for very old men and douchebags.

LOVE (ironically) x 

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